Acne Excoriee

Acne excoriee is a condition that begins as regular acne. It is defined as the compulsive picking at acne blemishes and pimples. The main physical problem with acne excoriee is that picking at zits is unhygienic and can cause infection, worsening the skin condition considerably. The term literally means picked pimple, and comes from the French “Acne Excoriee des Jeunes Filles”, literally meaning “acne created by young girls”. It was given its name because the active picking at pimples often worsens the condition immensely, when the acne to begin with was not bad at all.

Acne excoriee commonly begins in adolescence, during times of anxiety and low self-esteem. Patients with Acne excoriee may be acting subconsciously, only becoming clear all their actions after noticing the subsequent damage to the skin. The act of picking at the skin can also be addictive and very difficult to stop, even when developing into picking at open sores, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

Acne excoriee is often accompanied by more serious conditions, including depression, anxiety, autism, attention deficit disorder and other mood related conditions. One psychological explanation for the act of picking at the skin is that they find it satisfying and, in a similar way to self harm, the feel as though they are picking away at their emotional problems. It has also been seen as a coping method for dealing with emotional abuse and the subconscious method of diminishing their sex appeal in an effort to remain a child.

This condition causes acne scarring, hyperpigmented spots where there have been blemishes. Scarring occurs when the zits have been picked to the point of permanent tissue damage.

With acne excoriee, the medical priority will be to diagnose and treat any underlying anxiety or mood disorders. Hypnosis has been reported to have good results. The condition is rarely resolved without therapy.

It’s important to note that the condition denotes excessive, habitual picking at the skin and is not applicable to anyone who has ever picked at a pimple.

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